Priority No. 1: Protecting Californians From Harm

Date: April 27, 2006

Priority No. 1: Protecting Californians From Harm

By Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger

Last week, I stood shoulder to shoulder with Mark Lunsford, an incredible man who lost his daughter Jessica in an unthinkable way -- to the hands of a convicted sex offender. Mark came from across the country to tell his story and to ask Californians to protect their children by supporting a law named for his daughter, Jessica's Law, which will be on our ballot in November. I strongly support this critical law and urge you to vote for it. It will make our laws strict, our penalties tough, and will target the worst of crimes.

Jessica was just 9 years old when she left this world. She was kidnapped from her Florida home in the middle of the night by a sexual predator. The man held Jessica for two days in the back of a trailer. Then he raped her and murdered her.
As a parent to four children of my own, I cannot imagine the suffering Mark has endured. I have the utmost respect for his courage and his strength. He turned his unbelievable pain into something positive. He believes, as I do, that we must prevent this kind of tragedy from striking another family. We must find, stop, and punish criminals who commit such heinous crimes. This is one of my top priorities as your governor.

California has seen too many of its own children victimized in similar ways. I remember Samantha Runnion from Orange County and Danielle Van Dam from the San Diego area, both of whom were victimized by sexual predators. We must not let what happened to these special young girls happen to anyone else. We must protect all Californians - especially our children - from sexually motivated crimes.

Jessica's Law provides the important tools that Californians need. Today, one out of every four sex offenders in California is missing. We don't know where they are or what they are doing. With Jessica's Law, we will be able to use global positioning system technology to monitor each and every registered sex offender in the state.
Also, in today's criminal justice system too many convicted sexual predators are getting out of prison early. This law will eliminate the loopholes that grant these criminals time off for "good behavior."

Jessica's Law also prohibits sex offenders from living within 2,000 feet - that's more than a third of a mile - of any school or park where children play. This will make certain that our children are not in danger during school hours when they are away from their parents.

We must keep tabs on all of these predators. Our children deserve nothing less. By supporting Jessica's Law, we are honoring those who have been victimized by sexual violence.

For the past two and a half years as your governor, I have worked hard to make California safer. We've put the Megan's Law database on the Internet, so that any family can use the tool online to locate registered sex offenders in its neighborhood. Jessica's Law builds on and strengthens this invaluable tool.

We've also increased the rights of victims to be heard during parole hearings for their attackers, and stopped the state from paying for erectile dysfunction drugs, such as Viagra, for registered sex offenders.

In the fall of 2004, I stood with California district attorneys and law enforcement officers, and campaigned to defeat Proposition 66. That proposition would have weakened our state's successful Three Strikes Law and could have led to the release of thousands of violent predators from prison.

Taking actions like these protects all Californians from violence. By strengthening our laws and our criminal justice system, we also honor those who have been victims. By cracking down on crime we are telling victims, "no one else should have to go through what you did."

Both as a father and as your governor, I am deeply saddened by the stories I hear - the stories of Jessica, and Danielle, and Samantha. I don't want another California family to have to suffer through that kind of loss.

We have an obligation to do everything in our power to keep our kids safe from predators. That's why I urge you to join me in supporting Jessica's Law this November.{677812D7-2771-4238-B03D-E4E937C6C079}¬oc=1
